Man examins product

Quality is not a product of coincidence.

Above all, quality is tireless work. And in order to maintain our high quality standards every single day and every location, we have established a 6-point program that is valid worldwide and that our customers can rely on everywhere.

We retain this customer perception by establishing processes that meet the high-quality standards of our customers in our locations and business units.

In addition, we continuously improve our daily routines and react flexibly to meet the ever-increasing expectations of our customers and other interested parties.

In close interdisciplinary cooperation, supported by Lean and Six Sigma methods, we develop fast, efficient and innovative solutions. 


Transparent and efficient procedures, as well as our high production standards "5S" and "Zero Defect Production", which are applied in all VOSS locations, help us to avoid errors or to detect and eliminate them at an early stage. 

The following 6 points determine our thoughts and actions and let the "passion for quality" become our basic attitude.


for our customer this translates into:

  • 0-Defect Philosophy
  • VOSS keeps its promises and meets the agreed requirements
  • On time delivery
Man at a machine

Proximity to customers

for our customer this translates into:

  • VOSS understands its customers and delivers qualified results
  • VOSS is close to its customers and operates with the same standards throughout the world
  • Worldwide customer support from any location
World map with location marks

Speed and flexibility

for our customer this translates into:

  • Prompt reaction to customer requests
  • Quick recommendations for solutions
  • Satisfying increasing requirements

Innovations and technological leadership

for our customer this translates into:

  • Problem solving in a partner-like manner
  • Development and application of the latest technologies
  • Promoting product and process ideas
Battery with coolant lines


for our customer this translates into:

  • Sustained assumption of responsibility
  • Globally established idea management through independent and committed employees
  • Promotion and further development of employees and talents in alignment with customer needs
VOSS employees discussing

Cost awareness

for our customer this translates into:

  • Efficient and low-waste workflows through lean management
  • Continuous improvement in all operational and administrative processes (CIP)
  • Capable processes through VOSS SixSigma

Passion and competence are the driving force
behind our VOSS quality.

Passion for Quality